Swim Class Checklist: What your Toddler Needs

Swimming is among the best exercises for people of all ages. Choosing an early start to swimming can be hugely beneficial for both children and parents. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that learning to swim at a young can encourage healthy development in children, promoting their confidence in the water and allowing them to learn to crucial life skill. In addition, choosing swimming lessons for kids at a young age is also important for educating parents about water safety.

Your toddler’s first swimming lesson is both an amazing, and nerve-wracking experience. With all these emotions, it can become overwhelming to organize yourself. So, to help you prepare, we’ve made a checklist of all the essentials you’ll need to bring for your toddler’s first swim lesson:

  • Your toddler’s swimsuit - we suggest a comfortable one-piece, which is easy to slip on and off

  • Your toddler’s towel - we suggest a soft, hooded towel to keep your toddler’s body and head dry and warm

  • Swim diapers - we suggest bringing two pairs incase one rips or gets soiled, diapers are a requirement in most pools

  • Wipes - gentle cleansing wipes for children are a multi-purpose essential, quick and easy to use

  • Changing pad - can be useful to zip up your diapers and wipes inside

  • Lotion - the chemicals used to keep pool water clean can lead to dry skin, so a moisturizing lotion is an essential

  • Fresh change of clothes - we suggest bringing soft, comfortable, and loosely fitted clothing to change into after class

  • Healthy snacks and water - to fuel up and rehydrate after class

  • Backpack/ Tote bag - to carry all your swimming supplies

For parent’s who will be joining their toddler’s in the water, during their swim class, it is important to remember to bring your own swimsuit, towel, and toiletries.

Happy Swimming!